Sunday, February 2, 2014

How To Use Instagram Hash Tags Like A Hustler

How to use Instagram Hash Tags, Like a Hustler!

instagram for business -

Part of your social media marketing campaign is about correctly  using the tools that the particular social media platform has set in place. On Instagram , many business owners are posting pictures, but may be missing out on their target audience.

One of Instagrams greatest marketing tools is the use of the #Hashtag. An Instagram Hashtag is a highly targeted tag , or a keyword . Hash tags help you find targeted people to follow and vice versa.

Here are a few tips to help you use Instagram Hash tags like a Hustler:

Be specific and relevant.

You see the picture above? That's my  3 month old son, Mitch. Mitch is my business partner here at Hustlenomics 101.  If I posted this photo to Instagram I would post more than just #Baby .We know that he is a baby but what is this picture about and what message am I trying to send? Think about your pictures message and what the image portrays.

To get my message across to my target audience using hashtags I'd probably make a post like this:

"Hey everyone this is my #BusinessPartner Mitchell. He is my 3 months old #baby and is a #YoungEntreprenuer / #Entrepreneur .  He will be #Hosting a #BakeSale at 123 Penny Lane on #Saturday.  - #Cookies #Cakes #Pastries #Event #CHARITY "

The Hastags are added to the tag page. If you click on any hash tags you will be sent to that tag page and will see who else posted about the same topic , and how many times that specific hash tag was generated.


If you clicked on the hash tag "entrepreneur" and clicked on any picture under that tag, you are more than likely to find another tag used to describe "entrepreneur"  and you should add those keywords to your arsenal as well. ( if it applies of course.)


 - If you are a private user, which you shouldn't be as a business, your tags will not appear publicly on the tag pages.

-You can only tag your own posts.

- You can only have up to 30 #hashtags on a single post. If you make more than 30 #Hastags your comment / blurb / caption will not post.

- If you forget a hash tag just add one to the comment section of your post. Instagram doesn't let you edit a post so if your adamant about having it in your message, delete the picture and re post it.


Now that you know the benefits of Instagram hash tags for your business , start adding them to your Instagram campaign. Remember they must be relevant and specific to be beneficial to your readers. Now you are on your way to generating thousands of real followers for free!

Thanks for reading hustler!

Riche Life Media | Hustlenomics 101

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